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Why We Ask This?Your age is crucial in personalizing the health advice we provide. Different ages have different health priorities and risks. By knowing your age, we can ensure that the recommendations and advice are age-appropriate and relevant to your specific life stage.

What is your date of birth?

Why We Ask This?We ask about your gender at birth because it can influence several health metrics. This includes things like your recommended daily caloric intake, risk factors for specific diseases, and guidelines for physical fitness. Understanding this helps us tailor our health advice to better fit your needs.

What was your gender at birth?

Why We Ask This?We need to know your weight to calculate your Body Mass Index (BMI), which helps us assess your overall health risk. It also enables us to personalize your dietary and exercise recommendations, ensuring they are perfectly suited to help you maintain or achieve optimal health.

What is your current weight?



Why We Ask This?Your height, when combined with your weight, allows us to calculate your Body Mass Index (BMI). This calculation helps us gauge your overall health status and identify any potential health risks. Understanding your BMI is essential for providing you with tailored health advice and recommendations.

What is your height?



Why We Ask This?We ask about your exercise habits to better understand how active you are. Knowing how many days per week you engage in moderate or vigorous exercise helps us provide personalized recommendations to maintain or enhance your physical fitness and overall health. This tailored advice aims to support your wellness journey effectively.

On average, how many days per week do you engage in moderate or vigorous exercise?

Why We Ask This?Good sleep is foundational to your health and well-being. By understanding your typical sleep patterns, such as how many hours of sleep you get each night and whether you feel rested afterward, we can provide specific tips and strategies to improve the quality of your sleep. This helps us address any issues related to fatigue and ensures you're getting the rest you need to function at your best.

Why We Ask This?Staying well-hydrated is crucial for maintaining your body’s functions, such as regulating temperature, keeping joints lubricated, and enhancing cognitive performance. By understanding your daily water intake, we can offer tailored advice to ensure you're meeting your hydration needs effectively. This not only supports your physical health but also plays a role in mental clarity and overall well-being.

How many glasses of water do you drink on a typical day?

Why We Ask This?Understanding your alcohol consumption patterns can help us assess potential health risks and offer personalized advice.

Do you consume alcohol?

Why We Ask This?Smoking and vaping can significantly impact your health. We need this information to tailor our health advice more effectively.

Do you smoke or use vapes?

Why We Ask This?Understanding your drug use helps us to provide more personalized health advice and support.

Do you take any non-prescribed drugs?

Why We Ask This?Assessing your intake of fruits, vegetables, and overall diet quality helps us to provide nutritional advice tailored to your needs.

How many servings of fruits and vegetables do you consume daily?

Why We Ask This?Understanding your stress levels can guide us in recommending effective stress management techniques and mental health support.


Why We Ask This?Tracking your mood across the week helps us identify patterns that may indicate underlying emotional or mental health issues.

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Why We Ask This?Understanding how you manage your time for relaxation can help us provide tips for improving your personal well-being.

Do you regularly set aside time for relaxation or hobbies?

Why We Ask This?Understanding your screen time habits helps us evaluate potential impacts on your health and well-being, especially in terms of eye strain, sleep patterns, and physical activity levels.

Do you use a screen for work purposes?

Why We Ask This?Tracking how many times you have felt anxious in the past week can help us recommend effective stress management techniques.


Why We Ask This?Social connections can significantly impact your mental and emotional health. We use this information to assess your social support network.

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Why We Ask This?We've explored various aspects of your health and lifestyle. Understanding your overall satisfaction with life helps us integrate these factors and provide more personalized advice. How you feel about your life overall can influence many areas of health and well-being.

On a scale of 1 to 10, how satisfied are you with your current lifestyle and daily activities?