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We are dedicated to providing mental health information, support, and signposting. We are committed to making our website accessible to all users, including those with disabilities, and to ensuring a positive user experience for everyone.

Our Commitment

While we are still in the process of learning and implementing digital accessibility, we believe in the importance of creating an inclusive digital environment. We are continually seeking to improve the accessibility and usability of our site.

Current Accessibility Features

Our website currently includes the following accessibility features:

Known Limitations

As we continue to learn and enhance our coding skills, there are areas of our website that are not yet fully accessible. We are actively working to improve these aspects and appreciate your patience.


Your feedback is important to us in making our website more accessible. If you encounter any accessibility barriers or have suggestions, please let us know using the Feedback Tab

Continuous Learning

Our journey towards creating a fully accessible website is ongoing. As we enhance our coding skills and learn more about digital accessibility, we plan to implement additional accessibility features.

And Finally

We understand that our commitment to accessibility is a continuous journey, and we are dedicated to making improvements that will benefit all users. We appreciate your support and understanding as we work towards this goal.