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Understanding Suicidal Thoughts

Suicide refers to the deliberate act of ending one's life.

Suicidal thoughts vary greatly, from vague ideas about ending one’s existence to believing others might benefit from your absence. They can also escalate to specific thoughts about suicide methods or making concrete plans for taking one’s life.

Experiencing these thoughts can be frightening and overwhelming. It's common to feel a mix of fear and confusion towards these emotions.

Remember, experiencing suicidal thoughts is more common than you might think, and you are not alone in this.

Experiencing Suicidal Thoughts

Everyone’s experience with suicidal thoughts is unique. You may find yourself struggling to handle intense emotions, feeling less a desire to die and more an inability to continue living as you are.

These thoughts might develop gradually or fluctuate rapidly. It’s also normal to feel uncertain about the reasons behind these feelings.

Thoughts and Emotions You Might Have

Physical and Behavioural Signs

How Long Will They Last?

The duration of suicidal thoughts varies from person to person. Many fear these feelings are permanent, but most people find relief through support and treatment.

The sooner you share your feelings, the quicker you can receive support. However, opening up can be challenging. You might feel :

If these concerns resonate, consider showing someone you trust our pages on supporting someone with suicidal thoughts. It can be a gentle way to start the conversation and guide them on how to assist you.