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What Does Grief Feel Like?

Grief is a complex and individual experience that almost everyone faces at some point. It's hard to predict how you'll react to a loss, but you may feel :

Sadness or Depression

Often triggered by the reality of the loss, leading you to withdraw and ponder past memories.

More About Depression

Shock, Denial, or Disbelief

Your mind may shield you from the emotional pain, making you feel numb initially.

Panic and Confusion

The absence of a loved one can leave you questioning your identity and how to fill the void.

What Is Panic?

Anger or Hostility

The pain of loss can make you angry, seeking someone or something to blame.

Explore Anger

Feeling Overwhelmed

The emotional toll can be immediate and intense, making you feel as if you're not coping.

Not Coping?


Especially if the deceased was suffering or you had a strained relationship, feeling relieved is normal.

Mixed Emotions

A complicated relationship with the deceased can leave you with a range of conflicting feelings.

Track Your Mood

The Grief Cycle

Research suggests that grief can occur in stages or cycles, commonly known as 'mourning'. These stages—Denial, Anger, Depression, Bargaining, and Acceptance—are not linear and can vary from person to person.

Navigate The Stages

Is Grief a Mental Health Issue?

While grief is not usually considered a mental health disorder, it can become 'complicated grief' if the symptoms persist and worsen over time, affecting daily life.

How to Know If It's Complicated Grief?

If your grief symptoms are continuous and increasingly difficult to manage, you might be experiencing complicated grief.