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What is an Advance Statement?

An advance statement is a written document that captures your preferences, wishes, beliefs, and values concerning your future mental health care.

It's designed to guide healthcare professionals and loved ones if there comes a time when you can't communicate or make decisions about your mental well-being.

What Does an Advance Statement Cover?

An advance statement can address various aspects of your future mental health care, such as :

To ensure clarity, it's beneficial to discuss and document these preferences. This written record can be invaluable for your mental health professionals, family, and carers.

Is an Advance Statement the Same as an Advance Decision?

No, they're distinct. An advance decision, sometimes referred to as a living will, is a decision you make now to refuse specific treatments in the future. An advance decision is legally binding, provided it meets certain criteria.

While an advance statement is more about preferences,

Who Can Make an Advance Statement?

Anyone can draft an advance statement as long as they have the mental capacity to do so. This means having the ability to understand and weigh the implications of the decisions being made.

Is an Advance Statement Legally Binding?

No, an advance statement isn't legally binding. However, mental health professionals and those involved in your care should give it serious consideration when making decisions on your behalf.

How Does an Advance Statement Help in Mental Health Context?

An advance statement provides a clear roadmap for your mental health care, ensuring that your wishes and preferences are known even if you're unable to communicate them.

While it's not mandatory to sign it, adding your signature can reinforce its authenticity. It's essential to keep it accessible and inform your mental health team and loved ones of its whereabouts.

Thinking About Your Mental Health Wishes

It's crucial to reflect on and communicate your mental health preferences. This proactive approach ensures that your care aligns with your values and wishes, promoting a sense of autonomy and empowerment.

Benefits of an Advance Statement

Creating an advance statement for your mental health care isn't just about paperwork; it's about ensuring your voice is heard even when you might not be in a position to speak up. Here are some of the key benefits :

How to Review and Update Your Advance Statement

Your mental health needs and preferences might evolve over time, and it's essential that your advance statement reflects your current wishes :

Frequently Asked Questions?

Is an advance statement legally binding?

No, it's not legally binding. However, healthcare professionals and caregivers should give it serious consideration when making decisions on your behalf.

Can I change my mind after writing one?

Absolutely. It's your statement, and you can update or change it as often as you feel necessary. Just ensure that you communicate any changes to those involved in your care.

Do I need a lawyer to draft an advance statement?

No, you don't need a lawyer. However, if you have complex wishes or concerns, seeking legal advice might be beneficial.

What if my family disagrees with my advance statement?

It's essential to have open discussions with your family about your wishes. While they might have concerns, the advance statement is about your preferences. It can be helpful to involve a mediator or therapist in these discussions if needed.