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1. Glibness/Superficial Charm

A smooth-talking and persuasive manner that lacks depth and sincerity.

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Individuals with this trait often seem very charming and engaging at first, but their charm is only skin-deep and used to manipulate or deceive others. They are skilled at saying the right things to impress and win people over, but their friendliness and interest are not genuine.

2. Grandiose Sense of Self-Worth

An inflated and unrealistic view of one's own importance and abilities.

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Individuals with this trait believe they are superior to others and deserve special treatment. They often overestimate their talents and achievements and expect others to recognize and admire them. This exaggerated self-confidence is not based on reality and can lead to arrogance and a lack of empathy for others.

3. Need for Stimulation/Proneness to Boredom

A constant desire for excitement and new experiences, coupled with an inability to tolerate routine or monotonous activities.

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Individuals with this trait quickly become bored with everyday tasks and seek out high-risk or thrilling activities to keep themselves entertained. They often engage in impulsive behaviours, such as gambling, substance abuse, or reckless driving, to satisfy their need for stimulation.

4. Pathological Lying

The habitual or compulsive tendency to lie, even when there is no apparent benefit or reason to do so.

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Individuals with this trait lie frequently and easily, often creating elaborate and convincing stories. These lies are typically told without guilt or concern for the truth, and the liar may believe their own fabrications. Pathological lying is different from occasional lying in that it is persistent and pervasive, often causing harm to relationships and trust.

5. Conning/Manipulative

The use of deceit and trickery to exploit or control others for personal gain.

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Individuals with this trait are skilled at persuading and influencing people, often using charm and cunning tactics to achieve their goals. They may lie, cheat, or deceive others to get what they want, without regard for the harm they cause. This behaviour is typically self-serving and lacks empathy, as the manipulative person prioritises their own needs and desires over the well-being of others.

6. Lack of Remorse or Guilt

A lack of feelings of guilt or regret for one's actions.

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Individuals with this trait do not feel sorry for causing harm or distress to others. They might rationalize or justify their actions instead of feeling remorseful. This lack of guilt can lead to repeated harmful behaviours because they do not experience the emotional consequences of their actions.

7. Shallow Affect

A limited range of emotional responses.

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Individuals with this trait show a narrow range of emotions and may appear cold or unemotional. They often do not experience deep feelings, such as love or sadness, and their emotional responses may seem superficial or insincere to others.

8. Callousness/Lack of Empathy

An inability to understand or care about the feelings of others.

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Individuals with this trait are often indifferent to the suffering or needs of others. They may act in ways that are cruel or insensitive without feeling any concern or regret. This lack of empathy makes it difficult for them to form meaningful relationships.

9. Parasitic Lifestyle

Relying on others for support and resources without contributing.

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Individuals with this trait exploit others for financial or material gain. They may manipulate or deceive people to provide for their needs, showing little concern for the impact on those they use. This behaviour often includes avoiding work or responsibility by taking advantage of others.

10. Poor Behavioural Controls

An inability to manage one's actions or emotions appropriately.

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Individuals with this trait often have trouble controlling their impulses and emotions. They may act out in aggressive or inappropriate ways, especially when frustrated or angry. This lack of control can lead to frequent conflicts and difficulty maintaining stable relationships.

11. Promiscuous Sexual Behaviour

Engaging in frequent and casual sexual activities with many partners.

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Individuals with this trait have numerous sexual relationships or encounters without commitment or emotional attachment. This behaviour often includes risky sexual practices and a disregard for the consequences of their actions.

12. Early Behavioural Problems

Exhibiting serious behavioural issues at a young age.

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Individuals with this trait show signs of problematic behaviours early in life, such as lying, stealing, truancy, or aggression. These behaviours often continue into adolescence and adulthood, indicating persistent conduct issues.

13. Lack of Realistic Long-Term Goals

Having unrealistic or absent long-term plans and aspirations.

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Individuals with this trait do not set achievable long-term goals. They may have grandiose ideas that are not grounded in reality, or they may fail to plan for the future altogether, leading to a lack of direction and stability in life.

14. Impulsivity

The tendency to act on a whim without considering consequences.

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Individuals with this trait often make spontaneous decisions and engage in risky behaviours without thinking about the potential outcomes. This lack of forethought can lead to negative consequences and difficulties in personal and professional life.

15. Irresponsibility

Failure to meet obligations and commitments.

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Individuals with this trait often neglect their duties and responsibilities, whether at work, in relationships, or in personal matters. They may be unreliable, break promises, or fail to follow through on commitments, causing problems for themselves and others.

16. Failure to Accept Responsibility for Own Actions

A tendency to deny or shift blame for personal wrongdoing.

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Individuals with this trait do not take responsibility for their mistakes or harmful actions. They often make excuses, blame others, or deny involvement, avoiding accountability for their behaviour.

17. Many Short-Term Marital Relationships

Having multiple brief and unstable marriages or partnerships.

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Individuals with this trait often have a history of short-lived relationships that end in separation or divorce. They may struggle with commitment, emotional intimacy, or maintaining a stable relationship over time.

18. Juvenile Delinquency

Engaging in criminal or antisocial behaviour during youth.

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Individuals with this trait have a history of legal problems or antisocial behaviour beginning in their youth. This may include acts such as theft, vandalism, or violence, indicating early and persistent patterns of rule-breaking behaviour.

19. Revocation of Conditional Release

Having parole or probation revoked due to violations.

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Individuals with this trait have had their conditional release from prison or probation revoked because they failed to comply with the terms. This often indicates ongoing criminal behaviour or an inability to adhere to legal requirements.

20. Criminal Versatility

Involvement in a variety of criminal activities.

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Individuals with this trait engage in diverse types of criminal behaviour rather than specialising in one area. They might commit various offenses, such as fraud, theft, and violence, showing a broad and adaptable pattern of criminality.