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Our Commitment to Safeguarding Vulnerable Individuals

At Hre4u, we are dedicated to supporting the well-being and safety of all individuals who reach out to us, especially vulnerable children and adults. Our primary approach is to listen attentively and discuss with you the best ways to ensure your safety.

Confidentiality and Its Limits

We value your trust and confidentiality. Generally, the information you share with us remains private between you and Hre4u. However, there are critical circumstances where we might need to share your information with external parties to ensure your safety or the safety of others.

When We Might Need to Share Your Information

  1. Inability to Make Decisions : If we assess that you are unable to make informed decisions about your safety – due to factors like not understanding the risks, memory issues, or loss of consciousness – we may need to involve other services.
  2. Identifying At-Risk Individuals : If you disclose information suggesting that a child or an adult is at risk of abuse or harm, we might, after discussing with you, contact relevant authorities or services.
  3. Information Necessary for Intervention : To intervene effectively, we may require specific details such as your name, address, place of work or study, email address, phone number, or current location.
  4. Voluntary Disclosure : You have control over what information you share with us. Providing details does not automatically lead to us informing external parties.
  5. Supporting Your Decision-Making : Our goal is to assist you in understanding your feelings and circumstances better, helping you make decisions that are right for you. We may ask questions to understand your situation more clearly.

Potential Actions in Critical Situations

Contact Without Details

If you choose not to share your contact details, our ability to reach out is limited to responding to emails you may have sent us.

Upholding Confidentiality

We take your confidentiality very seriously. Sharing information with external parties is considered only when we are deeply concerned about your situation and believe you cannot make safe decisions for yourself.