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Preparation & Documentation

Dive into Some DIY Research

Your doctor's cool and all, but why not do some of your own digging too?

Get The Lowdown On The Rules

Healthcare isn’t the wild west; tere are guidelines and playbooks.

Team Up With An Advocate

Picture this: a trusty sidekick in your healthcare journey. That's what an advocate is.

  • They can join you for those sometimes-awkward appointments.
  • They've got your back in asking those burning questions and sticking up for what you want.
  • If you ever want to raise a concern or challenge a decision, they're your partner-in-crime. You might have a buddy or relative who's up for the job. Or you could look for a professional advocacy ace.

Be Persistent

If you feel you're not being heard or understood, don't be afraid to reiterate your concerns or ask for further clarification.