How Will I Be Evaluated?
Before any legal action is taken to section you, a specialised healthcare team will be dispatched to assess your condition. This could occur at your home, in a hospital, or another safe location.
Who Will Assess Me?
The healthcare team usually consists of :
- An Approved Mental Health Professional (AMHP)
- A registered medical doctor, often your GP
- A psychiatrists approved under Section 12
Upon arrival, the AMHP should introduce themselves and clarify the reason for your assessment. They should also carry identification.
What Happens During the Interview?
The AMHP will conduct an interview to determine if hospitalisation is the most effective way to provide the care and treatment you need. Both doctors must concur with this decision.
Medical Examination
The doctors may also perform a physical examination in addition to evaluating your mental health. This could happen on the same day or within a few days, and the doctors may examine you separately.
Your Rights During the Assessment
- You can have someone accompany you, such as a friend, family member, or advocate.
- You can request a private conversation with the AMHP, although they may have another professional present.
- The team should adhere to the Mental Health Act Code of Practice.
- The AMHP is not obligated to follow the doctors' recommendations.
- Your unique circumstances, including age, gender, and social background, should be considered.
- You have the right to an interpreter if needed.
- You can ask questions and express your opinions, but the healthcare team is not required to agree with you.
- You should be kept informed throughout the process.
- You have the right to remain silent, but decisions can still be made about you.
Making the Decision
The AMHP will decide whether to proceed with sectioning you and will explain their reasoning. This information will also be shared with :
- Your closest relative
- The assessing doctors
- Your care coordinator, if applicable
- Your GP, if they weren't part of the assessment
For most sections, the decision must be made within 14 days. However, under Section 4, you must be admitted within 24 hours.
What Happens Next?
If a suitable bed is available, you may be admitted shortly after the assessment. The AMHP should clarify what to expect next.