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Understanding the Role of a Deputy

A deputy is an individual appointed by the Court Of Protection to make decisions on behalf of someone who lacks the capacity to do so themselves. They are different from an attorney, who is personally appointed while the person still has capacity.

Types of Deputies

The Court of Protection can appoint two types of deputies :

Appointment Criteria

Deputies are typically appointed when :

  • There is no existing attorney designated under a lasting power of attorney.
  • Multiple decisions or ongoing management is required.
  • The person's finances are complex or require regular attention.
  • Who Can Be a Deputy?

    Deputies can be family members, friends, or professionals. They must be over 18, have the mental capacity to act as a deputy, and demonstrate they can make decisions in the person's best interests, manage the responsibilities, and be trustworthy.

    Deputy Restrictions and Responsibilities

    While deputies have broad authority, they cannot :

    Deputies must

    Professional Deputies

    If the financial situation is complex, the court might appoint a professional deputy, who will be compensated from the individual's assets for their services.

    When a Deputy Is Not Acting in Best Interests

    If a deputy does not act in the person's best interests or abuses their powers, they can be removed or their powers can be altered by the Court of Protection. The Office of the Public Guardian oversees deputies and handles complaints regarding their conduct.