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The primary reasons individuals experiencing mental health issues may interact with law enforcement are :

Crime Victims

In collaboration with Victim Support, Minds 2013 study, "Vulnerable Yet Overlooked," revealed that individuals with mental health conditions are :

Help If You've Been Victimised.

Mental Health Crisis or Vulnerability

If concerns arise about your mental well-being or vulnerability, law enforcement has specific authorities under the Mental Health Act

For additional details, consult our Mental Health Act section.

Accused of a Criminal Act

If you're suspected of a criminal offence, the police will likely want to question you. The subsequent sections in this resource outline the process and your rights in such circumstances.

Voluntary Interviews: What to Consider

You may be invited to the police station for a voluntary interview. The choice to participate is yours. Here are some factors to consider :

It's advisable to consult a solicitor before deciding on participating in a voluntary interview.