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Understanding Autism Diagnosis: Signs, Process, and Support | Hre4u

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The First Step - Be Honest and Have an Honest Conversation:

If you or your little one have been showing signs of autism, don't hesitate to have a chat with someone in the know. This could be:

Some Tips For Your Chat

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The Autism Assessment

This isn't just a casual chat. It's a proper assessment carried out by experts in the field.

The team might do several things

In the end, they'll give you a report stating if you or your child are on the autism spectrum.

Why A Diagnosis Matters

For parents and children, a diagnosis can help you understand how to better support your child, get advice on school support, learn about financial benefits and parent support options, and realise that your child's behaviour isn't just "acting out".

As an adult, a diagnosis can help you gain insight into your unique challenges, help others understand your unique worldview, get support in educational or work settings, and uncover potential financial support.

Struggling to Get Diagnosed?

Sometimes, the road to a diagnosis can feel like an uphill battle, and waiting times can be a nightmare.

If you're finding it tough, consider: