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What is Autism?

Autism, also known as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), is a developmental condition affecting the way individuals interact, communicate, and engage with the world.

Unlike many other conditions, autism isn't a 'one-size-fits-all' experience; it presents differently in everyone.

It's Not an Illness or Disease

It's a different way of experiencing the world. You're born with it, and it's a lifelong journey. While it doesn't have a 'cure,' some people may benefit from various support systems.

A Full Life is Possible

Being autistic doesn't mean you can't lead a fulfilling life. Everyone has their strengths and challenges—autistic people are no different.

You can still form friendships, have relationships, and even hold down a job, although you may need a bit of extra support along the way.

A Spectrum of Experiences

The term 'spectrum' in autism spectrum disorder underlines the fact that autism manifests differently in each individual. Some may require minimal support, while others might need more extensive daily assistance.

Alternative Terminology

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

The medical term encompassing the full range of autistic conditions.

Asperger's Syndrome

Some people use this term to describe individuals who are autistic but have average or above-average intelligence.

More About Asperger's

While the term "Asperger's" may have historical significance, it's worth noting that the medical community no longer uses this as a separate diagnosis.

It's now considered a part of the broader Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). However, if you were previously diagnosed with Asperger's, that label will typically remain on your medical records.

Learning Difficulties vs. Specific Learning Difficulties

People with Asperger's often don't experience the same level of learning disabilities commonly found among others on the autism spectrum. Instead, they may encounter specific learning difficulties that impact a particular area of their lives.

The "High-Functioning" Label

Some individuals refer to Asperger's as "high-functioning" autism. This term has been used to describe people who might not have learning disabilities but still face challenges associated with autism, such as social interaction and communication difficulties.

The Mystery of Its Origins

The origins of autism remain something of a mystery, although it often runs in families, hinting at a possible genetic factor.

What we do know is that it's :

Not caused by vaccines

Not due to bad parenting

Not linked to diet

Not a contagious condition

Intellectual Diversities

Autistic individuals can exhibit a wide range of intellectual abilities. Some have average or above-average intelligence, while others might have learning disabilities that make daily life a bit more challenging.

Related Conditions That Often Co-Occur

If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with ASD, it's worth being aware of other conditions that can sometimes go hand-in-hand. These aren't part of ASD itself but are often found alongside it.

Recognising Autism in Adults

The manifestation of autism can vary greatly, but there are some common traits that many autistic adults share.

Core Characteristics

Common signs that an adult might be autistic include:

Additional Traits

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Gender-Based Differences in Autism

Autism can manifest differently between men and women.

Women May