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Facts Are...

Statements that can be proven true or false. They are objective and not influenced by personal feelings or beliefs. For example, "The Earth revolves around the Sun".

Opinions Are...

Personal beliefs or feelings. They might be shared by many people, but they can't be proven true or false. For example, "Chocolate ice cream is the best flavour".

How to Play

Is This Statement A Fact or An Opinion?

I am a failure.

I’m uglier than him/her.

I said “no” to a friend in need.

A friend in need said “no” to me.

I suck at everything.

I yelled at my partner.

I can’t do anything right.

He said some hurtful things to me.

She didn’t care about hurting me.

This will be an absolute disaster.

I’m a bad person.

I said things I regret.

I’m shorter than him.

I am not loveable.

I’m selfish and uncaring.

Everyone is a way better person than I am.

Nobody could ever love me.

I am overweight for my height.

I ruined the evening.

I failed my exam.

I never do anything right.

Everyone hates me.

If I fail at this, I fail at life.

Success is the only thing that makes me worthy of love.

If I’m not perfect, people will reject me.

Life is always unfair to me.

I must please everyone to be a good person.

If I don’t succeed, it’s because I didn’t try hard enough.